I don’t know about you, but I like to make lists, lots of lists. My lists may remind me what has to be done or what I need to pick up or who was going to do what. I think my lists are my way of making sure I don’t forget something.
It’s a security blanket for me. Whether it’s important or something minor- I just don’t like to forget or not be prepared. I feel better when I have a list.
Yet, despite all my lists, I have had to return and make that double-run to the grocery store for the one item that I needed and forgot to purchase when I was just there!
As I watched the snow fall this last Monday, I didn’t need a reminder list that another winter driving season had started. As per usual the first significant snow of the season brought out the tow trucks to lend a hand to those who slid off the slippery roads. [Read more…]