Richland County has numerous roadways that separate into two different sections and have the same name. One such section of roadway is County Hwy 00. The first section starts at State Hwy 80 near the Middle School and heads east to County Hwy O near Pine Valley Healthcare. The next section of County Hwy OO starts at the intersection of County Hwy O and Santa Klaus Lane and continues south to State Hwy 80.
The Richland County Board has been working with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department, Emergency Management, Zoning and the Richland County Highway Department to change this section of County Hwy OO from State Hwy 80 continuing east to County Hwy O. This section will be renamed “County Hwy RC”.
The change is already in place. The post office will recognize both addresses for one year. On January 14, 2016 the new blue address signs and the new road signs will be installed. This entire section of roadway will be readdressed and re-posted as County Hwy RC.
I want to thank the property owners along this section roadway for working with the county during this change.
Sheriff James J Bindl
Richland County Sheriff’s Department