If you’re in an injury accident, your first duty is to immediately stop your vehicle as close as possible to the accident scene. However, try to position your vehicle in a spot that causes the least obstruction to other motorists.
You must remain on the scene until you’ve fulfilled the rest of your duties, presuming you’re capable of doing so. What are your duties? You must give your name, address, and registration number of the vehicle you were driving to the others involved in the accident. If requested, you must also show your driver’s license.
If someone is injured, you must provide “reasonable assistance,” meaning either calling for help or taking the injured to receive help.
Accidents involving an injury, $1000 or more of property damage to any single property, or $200 or more of damage to government property (other than a motor vehicle) mean that you must contact police right away.
If for any reason you can not remain at the scene of the crash, you’ll need to fill out the Driver Report of Accident. When using the self report form, please contact the Richland County Sheriff’s Department at 608-647-2106 to report the crash. Advise the dispatcher you will complete the self report form. If a deer (or other animal) was struck, please advise the dispatcher the status of the animal and the exact location of the crash.
Contact the DNR vehicle-killed deer hotline at 608-267-7691 prior to possessing or removing the deer from the scene. Upon completing notification to DNR, a vehicle-killed deer may be legally possessed and transported without a tag in compliance with the chronic wasting disease transportation rules, available in the annual Deer Hunting Regulations pamphlet.
Send the completed form to:
- Department of Transportation
- P.O. Box 7919
- Madison, WI 53707-7919
Supplemental reports may be required by law enforcement if more information is needed.
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