Adult School Crossing Guards play a critical role in keeping students safe as they walk to and from school each day. Adult School Crossing Guards place the children’s safety above their own while facing speeding motorists, cell phone users, and others disregarding traffic signals to ensure that all traffic is stopped before students enter the roadway
The Richland Center Police Department and the Richland School District would like to inform the community that January 14th through January 18th, 2019, has been proclaimed Wisconsin Adult School Crossing Guard Recognition Week.
It is important that we all take the time to say thank you to our local Adult School Crossing Guard, Bill Hall, who is tasked with the responsibility for the safe crossing of children near Jefferson Elementary. No matter if it is raining, snowing, sleeting, or 10 degrees below zero, Bill Hall never fails to do his duty. So next time you walk your child to school, or drop them off at the crosswalk, be sure to thank Bill Hall for watching out for your child. It is sometimes a thankless job, but rain or shine, he is always there.